Who would have thought there’s a Web site just for devotees of hula hooping? Well, there is: Hooping.org.
And what’s more, some of them (like Vera) enjoy hooping naked
I recently hooped naked for the first time. I was hanging out at Baker Beach with some friends and some hoops, and since Baker Beach is a nude beach, it made sense for us to hoop naked.
Besides the obvious feelings of freedom and unrestraint, naked hooping brings with it another benefit: the traction of the skin. When hooping with my knees, I was never very good at pushing the hoop back up to my hips with my thighs. But the traction of my naked skin made it very easy for me to wiggle the hoop up from my knees.
After the naked hooping practice it has been much easier for me to bring the hoop up from my knees, even with clothes on. The nudity has served as my training wheels.
Another naked hooping enthusiast (Sarah) says
Naked hooping (sometimes even naked fire-hooping) is a popular activity up at Hollyhock, a retreat centre on Cortes Island, BC, where the organization I work for holds workshops. We make up a big batch of hoops each time we’re there, and naked hooping under the stars inevitably follows the naked hot-tubbing. One of the first times I ever hooped was naked under a full moon… It’s so beautiful to watch your own naked shadow, cast by moonlight, swinging around a hulahoop!
Originally posted January 13, 2006